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밸리데이션 장비

Madge Tech AVS 고압증기멸균기 밸리데이션 솔루션
MadgeTech은 오토클레이브와 살균 세척기를 검증, 맵핑, 모니터링에 필요한 모든 도구를 제공하는 AVS(Autoclave Validation System)를
제공합니다. AVS는 모든 구성이 매끄럽고 보호용 알루미늄 가방에 안전하게 포장되어 있기 때문에 여러 시설이나 장소에 보관 및 운송하기에 적합합니다.
AVS 키트는 선택할 수 있는 다양한 프로브 길이를 제공하는 HiTemp140 데이터로거의 조합으로 사용자 지정 구성 할 수 있습니다.

Data Logger for High Temperatures

The HiTemp140 and HiTemp140-PT series data loggers are MadgeTech’s solution for precise high temperature monitoring. These data
loggers can indefinitely withstand temperatures of up to 140 °C (284 °F). The HiTemp140 features a rigid external RTD probe capable of
measuring extended temperatures, up to 260 °C (500 °F). Varied probe lengths are available up to 7 inches. The HiTemp140-PT features
a 24 inch flexible steel RTD probe capable of measuring extended temperatures, up to 350 °C (662 °F).
The HiTemp140X2 series of dual probe high temperature data loggers offer extreme flexibility for high temperature monitoring
applications. This product is ideal for applications such as autoclave validation, sterilization processes and much more.
The HiTemp140-FR is a high temperature data logger with an ultra-fast response time, to record temperature during rapidly changing
thermal processes. This high temperature data logger is capable of recording as fast as 4 Hz.
The HiTemp140-FP probe design is narrow and lightweight making it ideal for placement within small vials, test tubes and other small
diameter or delicate applications. The flexible lightweight probe minimizes the risks of breakage (both vial and probe) and makes
placement of the probe easy to manipulate.
The HiTemp140-M12 is a high temperature data logger designed with a built in M12 probe connecter. This logger is compatible with
dozens of M12 RTD probes and capable of measuring up to 850 °C (probe dependent).

AVS 키트 포함 (표준 패키지)
• (5)HiTemp140 고온 데이터로거(1인치),
모든 교정 성적서
•(1)PR140, 교정 성적서
•IFC406 멀티 인터페이스
• MadgeTech Secure 데이터로거 소프트웨어,
IQ/OQ/PQ 밸리데이션 프로토콜, 워크북
•알루미늄 보관 케이스


인천광역시 연수구 갯벌로 12, 시험생산동 307호(송도동, 인천테크노파크)
Tel : 032-832-1036     Fax : 032-832-1037     Email : isugmp@isugmp.com